
The spiritual health of our students, faculty and community is of highest importance to us. Our goal is that everything we do is based on and promotes a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Information and events relating to the Campus Ministries can be found here.

From acrosports to floor routines, whether you like to base a pyramid or fly through the air, Ozark's gymnastics team, the Aerialaires, is for you.

Ozark has a thriving intramural program. Any student who wishes to participate in team sport may join. The intramural program includes football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and softball. There is a team for you!

Ozark's music department sponsors a wide variety of programs where both students and the community can be involved. Touring organizations include the Band, Royalaires, and Bellaires. Our annual Music Festival features students in grades 5-9 as well as the community Mass Choir of the Ozarks. Find out how you can enjoy being involved with music.

If you excel at sports, Ozark offers opportunities for both young men and women to tryout for the varsity and junior-varsity Skyhawk and Lady Hawk basketball teams. Ozark students who enjoy playing soccer are also encouraged to tryout for the Skyhawk varsity soccer team. Visit Skyhawks Sports.